Investing in Yourself

Oct 23, 2022

When you look at your to-do list, where do YOU land on the list? 

Are you even on the list?

For many of us, our lives get so busy with all of our work and family to-do’s that we fail to take care of ourselves and our personal needs. We tend to invest all our time, resources, and money into others, often leaving ourselves at the bottom of the list.

If this is you, I want to encourage you to STOP! 

You are your most important investment.

It may seem like a contradiction, but when we expend time, energy, and effort into our well-being and personal needs, we not only make our lives better but we’re able to make the lives of those around us better as well.

Here are 3 areas to consider when investing in yourself.

#1: Connections

Invest in the people you surround yourself with. You want individuals in your life who will support, value, and respect you and your journey. 

I’m currently part of a small accountability group that meets weekly, in which we celebrate our wins and support one another through our challenges. 

Action tip: Find an accountability partner who you can share your goals with and who will help you stay on track with your goals.

#2: Mindset

Invest in learning and developing opportunities that enhance your strengths and expand your mindset. Having a growth mindset allows you to bounce back when you encounter setbacks and reframe them as learning opportunities. Examples may include journaling (including gratitude), reading, meditations, daily affirmations, hiring a coach, and taking a course to name a few.

For me, journaling has been instrumental in helping me process my thoughts, feelings, and desires and gain clarity.

Action tip: Start a gratitude jar. Every day write down something you are grateful for and drop the note in the jar. Let this serve as a visual reminder of all you have to be grateful for and when you need a quick pick me up, pull out the notes and read them. 

#3: Health

Invest in healthy habits and routines. Move your body, fuel it with healthy food, and prioritize your rest. If you are starting from ground zero, don’t try to tackle all of these at once. Starting small is fine. 

Currently, I’m focused on ensuring I get at least 7.5 hours of sleep every night.

Action tip: Do something you enjoy daily that supports your health. If you enjoy the activity, then you are more likely to stick with it.

It’s important to note that investing in yourself is neither selfish nor a risk. 

Even when our investments appear to be failures, there’s still a pay off as there’s a lesson for us to learn and an opportunity to self-correct so that we can get closer to our desired success.

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